SSS Election Assembly 2016

SSS Election Assembly 2016

The Serbian Scientific Society convened the Electoral Assembly for May 30th the Hall of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade, Dr. Subotića 8, 1st floor at 6 PM

The Assembly will consider the election of the new management of the Society (elections for the President, 4 Vice-Presidents and one representative of each Department in the Presidency). You can see the voting paper with the list of candidates and functions at the following link.

Also, each Department should submit a proposal for the election of the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary of the respective Department.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, there will be the admission of new members of the Society (as proposed and voted on by the Departments).

You can view the biography by clicking on the name of the candidate and only a few of the oldest members (who do not use mail) will be provided with printed material. This way all members of the Society will be able to get acquainted with the proposed candidates. You can download the ballot at the following link.

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department

Professor DR Petar Adžić

Dr Jasmina Dimitrić Marković

Dr Zoran Marković

Dr Pavle Miličić

Professor Dr Zoran Stevanović

Dr Željko Čupić


Technical Sciences Department

Professor Dr Eva Vaništa Lazarevic

Dr Milovan Vidaković

Dr Aleksandar Ivančić

Dr Milan Matijević

Professor Dr Zoran Popović

Professor Dr Miladin Ševarlić


Medical and Biological Sciences Department

Dr Miroslav Đorđević

Professor Dr Nina Japundžić-Žigon

Professor Dr Ivan Paunović

Professor Dr Ivana Petronić-Marković

Dr Jelena Sopta

Professor dr Radan Džodić


Social Sciences Department

Professor Dr Ratko Marković

Dr Ljubiša Mitrović

Dr Dušan Nikolić

Dr Snežana Smederevac

Professor Dr Ljiljana Stanković

Professor Dr Darko Tanasković

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