Dr Irina Vishnyakova


Dr Irina Vishnyakova

Dr Irina Vishnyakova was born in 1938 in Moscow. In 1960  she graduated, with diploma, from the Department of Geography, Moscow State University, named after Lomonosov (MSU). After graduation, she  started to work at the MSU, Chair of Foreign Socialist Countries.
In 1968 she changed employment for the Council on Studies of Productive Forces (CSPF) under the USSR State Planning Committee, where she took the position of Researcher for Development of Yugoslavia at  the Department of  Foreign-Economy  Relations. In 1971-1972, she received a stipend from the Yugoslavien side for completion of the doctoral dissertation on  “Deployment of Productive Forces of Serbia”, and 1972 defended the dissertation at the Department of  Nature and Mathematics, Belgrade University.
While continuing her work at the SCPF under the USSR State Planning Committee, Dr Irina Vishnyakova conducted active research on the problems of international specialization and cooperation of production, development of the General Chart for  deployment of productive forces of  the USSR in 1990 and 2000, as well as comprehensive program for development of West Siberian territorial production complex wich have been approved at the government level.
From 1988 and on, Dr Vishnyakova has been working at the “Zarubezhskhema” Research Center under  the RF Ministry of Economy as Director of the Black Sea Cooperation Program. She took part in the internationally contracted development of the Chartfor economic  development of Libya.  She has been an active participant and supervisor for development of major projects on development of the free economic zone  in the sity of Rostov on-Don (“Rostov”), on development of  foreign-economy potential of the Astrakhan Region of Russia on forms and methods of economicregulation in  Southern  Russia in the context of Black Sea Cooperation, on improvement of mechanisms for realization of federal programs of regional development, etc., as well as took part in development of the “South of Russia” Federal Program, whoch was adopted by the Government in 2001.
Dr Vishnyakova has over 50 publications,  including such as: “Methodologicheskiye problemy regionalnogo razvitiya socialisticheskikh stran” (Methodological Problems of Regional Development for  Socialist  Countries) (Moscow, SCPF, 1976);  “Razvitie mezhdunarodnogo razdeleniya truda i razmeshcheniye proizvoditel’nykh sil: teoriya, metody, praktika” (Development of International Division of Labor and Deployment of Productive Forces: Theory, Methods, Practice), (Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 1981),  “Mezhdunarodnaya specializatsiya obrabatyvayushchei promyshlennosti v SSSR” (International Specialization of Processing Industry of the USSR), (Moscow, Planovoye Khozyaistvo,  No. 3, 1982);   “Concentratsiya, proizvoditel’niye sily, geograficheskaya sreda” (Concentration, Productive Forces, Geographic Environment), (Moscow, VGO Publishers, Vol. 115, 1983); entry on economy of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, Vol. 30;  “Geografiya zarubezhnykh stran: Sotsialisticheskaya Federativnaya Respublika Yugoslavia” (Geography of Foreign Countries: Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia), Vol. 4, VINITI, 1978;   “Geopoliticheskiye  factory deyatel’nosti economicheskoi sistemy Rossii” (Geopolitical Factors of Russian Economic System in Action), (Moscow, 1968;  proceedings of an international academic and practical conference).
Dr Irina Vishnyakova has an excellent knowledge of Serbian language. She visited Belgrade several times and delivered lectures  and presentations at the Belgrade University, Academic Society of Serbia and Belgrade Economic Institute, as well as at conference and  symposia.
Dr Vishnyakova has translated into Russian or reviewed many works by Serbian scholars – including  books published by Prof. D. Kitanovia: “Planet and Civilisation in Danger” (Moscow, Myol’ Publishers – commentary and translation of introduction), and by Prof. K. Mikhailovic: “Least Developed Regions in Yugoslavia” (Moscow, Progress Publishers),  et al.
A substantial number of studies by Irina Vishnyakova have been published in Yugoslavian academic  press.