Prof. dr Antonio Secchi

Prof. dr Antonio Secchi

Research and Professional Experience: Concluding with present position, list, in chronological order, previous employment, experience, and honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee. List, in chronological order, the titles, all authors, and complete references to all publications during the past three years and to representative earlier publications pertinent to this application. If the list of publications in the last three years  exceeds two pages, select the most pertinent  publications. Do not exceed two pages.

Past and present positions : 1980-1981: Fellowship at the Clinique de Nephrologie et des  Maladies Methaboliques, University Claude Bernard, Hopital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, France (Prof. Jules Traeger and Prof. Jean Michel Dubernard) (University of Milan Fellowship).

1981-1982: Assistent Universitaire Etranger at the Clinique de Nephrologie

et des  Maladies Methaboliques, University Claude Bernard, Hopital Edouard Herriot, Lyon, France (Prof. Jules Traeger and Prof. Jean Michel Dubernard).

1982-1987:  Registrar at the Dept. of Internal Medicine, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, University of Milan  (Prof. Guido Pozza).

1987- present: Senior Registrar at the Dept. of Internal Medicine, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, University of Milan  (Prof. Guido Pozza).

1987-1991: Adjunct Professor  Post-graduate  school of Endocrinology  and Metabolic Diseases, University of Milan.

1992-present: Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Milan  (teaching at the School of Medicine: Emergency Medicine).

1988-1994: Coordinator of the Study Group of the Italian Society of Diabetology  “ New technologies for the insulin treatment of  IDDM”.

1993-1996: Scientific Coordinator of Scientific Institute  San Raffaele, University of Milan.

1997-1998: Vice President of the Study group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes  “Artificial insulin  delivery systems, pancreas and islet transplantation” (AIDSPIT).

1997-2001: Councilor of the International Pancreas and Islet  Transplant Association (IPITA).

1999-2000:  President of the Study group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes  “Artificial insulin  delivery systems, pancreas and islet transplantation” (AIDSPIT).

2001-2002: Vice-President of the International Pancreas and Islet  Transplant Association (IPITA).

2002-2005: President of the International Pancreas and Islet  Transplant Association (IPITA).

            Member of the following Scientific Societies:

– European Society for Organ Transplantation, The Tranplantation Society, The European Dialisis and Transplant Association (EDTA)

– Societa Italiana di Diabetologia, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, European Society of Clinical Investigation

– The New York Accademy of Science, The Royal Society of Medicine, The American Association for the Advancement of Science

– The American Diabetes Association

            Reviewer for the following scientific journals:

Transplant International, Diabetologia,  Diabetes Nutrition  and Metabolism Acta  Diabetologica, Diabetes Care, Il Diabete, Clinical Science, Graft,  Transplantation, Diabetes

            Fields of interest: Alternative routes of insulin administration, Artificial pancreas Immunosuppressive  therapy at the onset of IDDM, Kidney, pancreas and islet transplantation

            Scientific produktion (as February 2002):  126 full papers in journals reported by the Current Content, Life Science (total Impact Factor: 354);  273 presentations at International Congresses;  57 Chapters of books;

89 invited lectures

            Publications (3 years):

  1. La Rocca e, Gobbi C, Ciurlino D, Di Carlo V, Pozza G, Secchi A. (1998) Improvement of glucose/metabolism reduces hypertension in IDDM recipients of kidney-pancreas transplantation. Transplantation 64: 390-393
  2. Secchi A, at al. (1998) Efects of pancreas transplantation on quality of life in type I diabetic patients undergoing kidney transplantation; Transplant Proc 30: 339-342
  3. La Rocca E, Gesu G, Caldara R, Maffi P, Del Mascio A, Vanzulli A, Castoldy R, Di Carlo, G.Pozza, A Secchi (1998) Pulmonary infection caused by Rhodococcus Equi in a kidney and  pancreas transplant recipient: a case report.  Transplantation: 65:  1524-1525
  4. Bernardi M, La Rocca E, Castoldi R, Di Carlo V, Caldara R, Furiani S, Giudici D,  Pozza G, Secchi A. (1998) Mono-oligoclonal immunoglobulin abnormalities in diabetic patients after kidney transplantation: influence of simultaneous pancreas graft. Diabetologia 41: 1176-1179
  5. Secchi A. at al. (1998) Cardiovascular disease and neoplasms after pancreas transplantation. The Lancet 352: 65-66
  6. Secchi A. at al. (1999) Insulin Secretory patterns and blood glucose homeostasis  after islet  allotransplatation in IDDM patients: comparison  with segmental- or whole- pancreas transplanted patients through  a long-term longitudinal study.  J Mol Med, 77: 133-139
  7. Caldara R, La Rocca E, Maffi P, Secchi A (1999) Effects of pancreas transplantation on late complications of diabetes and metabolic effects of pancreas and islet transplantation. J Pediatric Endocrinology and Matabolism, 12: 777-787
  8. Bertuzzi F, Secchi A at al. ((1999) Islet transplantation in diabetic patients. J Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism , 12: 771-775
  9. Braghi S, Bonifacio E, Secchi A. at al. (2000) Modulation of humoral islet autoimmunity by pancreas allotransplantation influences allograft outcome in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes, 49: 218-224
  10. La Rocca E, Fiorina P, Astorri E, Rossetti C,  Lusignani G,  Fazio F,  Giudici G,  Castoldi R, Bianchi G, Di Carlo V,  Pozza G, Secchi A. (2000)  Patients survival and cardiovascular events after kidney-pancreas transplantation:comparison with kidney transplantation alone in uremic IDDM patients Cell Transplantation, 9 : 992-932
  11. Davalli A, Maffi P, Socci C, Sanvito F, Freschi M, Bertuzzi F, Falqui L, Di Carlo V, Pozza G, Secchi A. (2000) Insights from a successful case of intrahepatic islet transplantation into a type 1 diabetic patient.  J Clin Endocrin.Metab 85: 3847-3852
  12. Fiorina P, La Rocca E, Astorri E, Lucignani G, Rossetti C, Facio F, Giudici D, Di Carlo V, Cristallo M, Pozza G, Secchi A. (2000) Reversal of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction after kidney-pancreas transplantation in type I diabetic uremic patients. Diabetes Care 23: 1804-1810
  13. Luzzi L, Piceni Sereni L, Spessot M, Dodesini R, Pastore RP, Bianchi E, Secchi A at al. (2000) Postabsorptive muscle protein metabolism in type I diabetic patients after pancreas transplantation. Acta Diabetol, 37: 219-221
  14. Battezzati A, Benedini S, Caldara R, Calori G, Secchi A. at al. (2001) Prediction of long-term metabolic success of pancreatic graft function Transplantation, 71: 1560-1565
  15. Fiorina P, La Rocca E, Venturini M, Secchi A at al. (2001) Effects of kidney-pancreas transplantation on artherosclerotic risk factors and Endothelial Function in type-1 diab.-uremic patients Diabetes, 50:496-501
  16.  16.Caldara C, Grispigni V, La Rocca E, Scchi A at al. (2001)  Acute Charcot’s arthropathy despite 11 years of  normoglicemia after successful kidney and pancreas transplantation Diabetes Care, 24: 1690-1691
  17. La Rocca E, Fiorina P, Astorri E, Secchi A at al. (2001) Cardiovascular outcomes after kidney-pancreas and kidney alone transplantation. Kidney International, 60: 1964-1971
  18. La Rocca E, Secchi A (2001) Inducations of pancreas tranplantation Carrent Opinion in Organ Transplantation, 6: 199-204
  19. Bosi E, Braghi S, Maffi P, Secchi A at al. (2001) Autoantybody response to islet  transplantation in type 1 diabets, Diabetes, 50: 2462-2471
  20. Bertuzzi F, Grohovaz F, Maffi P, Secchi A at al. (2002) Successful transplantation of human islets in recipients hearing  a kidney graft, Diabetologia, 45: 77-84.